General Settings

Go to "Frontend Login" menu on the admin dashboard.

First step is General Settings. You can enable some options, select login, register, lost password forms etc from this section.

Enable user activation : If you want to send an activation code to your users, select 'Yes'.

Enable user settings : If you want to show a user settings page, select Yes. (Don't forget to select a User Settings page below)

Hide wp-login&wp-admin : If you choose 'Yes', users who are not logged in will be redirected to the home page.

Login Page : Select the Login page you have created.

Redirection Page After Login : Select a page if you want to redirect users to a specific page after login. Else leave it empty.

Lost (Reset) Password Page : Select the Lost (Reset) Password page you have created.

Registration Page : Select the Registration page you have created.

User Activation Page : Select the User Activation page you have created. Be sure user activation has enabled above.

User Settings Page : Select the User Settings page you have created. Be sure user settings has enabled above.

Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy pages are optional. If you want the checkbox to show for these pages in the Registration Form, please create and select these pages.

Last updated